Culligan of Phoenix w Phoenix

Stany ZjednoczoneCulligan of Phoenix



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5410, South 28th Street, 85040, Phoenix, Maricopa County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 602-264-3111
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 33.397879, Longitude: -112.021883

komentarze 5

  • Ashley Dickens

    Ashley Dickens


    Ashley Fulton The person that has been assisting me is Ebony. She is amazing. The epitomy of real customer service. I was apprehensive to even use a water company and tried going with your competitor. Thank goodness they are horrible with service and my account set up was a disaster because it led me to Culligan. Culligan is a night and day difference and its alllllll because of the service and care that Ebony provides. Raises, bonuses and promotions are in her future. Because of her I am telling everyone to go with Culligan and give Ebony a call. If you thought customer service was dead...Ebony is bringing it back!

  • Donna Herczeg

    Donna Herczeg


    Excellent service, special thank you Corbin Myers, also excellent installation and office support. Very pleased with our water softener and water filter system. Highly recommend them!

  • Fiona Houston

    Fiona Houston


    I have been so impressed with the customer service at Culligan! The original sales rep we setup service with was prompt and available for any questions I had. The office is always pleasant and helpful when I call with questions. The delivery driver arrives on time and follows our instructions on how to access our building. Even verifies we have enough when he makes the delivery! Best water delivery in the valley! Hands down. Price and taste really pretty great too. Online account access is also pretty fabulous.

  • en

    Paris Durrenberger


    I was billed $800 for initial set up and one months service. They never returned to change the filter out. Reported them to the Better Business Bureau. Seems many others have been billed also for services they didn't provide. Watch out!

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    Grant Woods


    We are extremely happy with Culligan's service. They are very prompt. Billing is always correct. And they give plenty of notice of the next delivery so if reschedule or service delay is needed, it is very easy to request. For years and years, we lugged empty 5 gallon bottles to the water store and then we went with Culligan and have been so happy for almost a year now, that we can't imagine going back to filling our own bottles again. We cannot recommend them enough. All we can say, is try it! You will definitely love the convenience... and did we mention the water tastes great!!!

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