Cuff & Co. en Monsey

Estados UnidosCuff & Co.



🕗 horarios

401, West Route 59, 10952, Monsey, Rockland County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 845-293-2473
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 41.1068852, Longitude: -74.0609075

comentarios 5

  • Yonatan Vinnik

    Yonatan Vinnik


    Amazing service! The setup is excellent, very modernized and formal. Update: went there a second time and the service I received was one that you won’t find at any other suit store, moshe helped me find the perfect borsalino hat and helped me out with other problems I had with my other hats. A must go. I repeat: A MUST GO!!

  • Sasson Gross

    Sasson Gross


    Friendly and very helpful staff. Helped me find the perfect hat. Very patient staff, will help you try in whatever you would like, so that you will feel comfortable and be happy with whatever you purchase.

  • Shaya Teitelbaum

    Shaya Teitelbaum


    Pleasure to shop at Cuff & Co. The customer service is above and beyond! The selection is vast. The best part is, the prices are unbeatable!

  • Shmuel Dovid Mirsky

    Shmuel Dovid Mirsky


    I came in looking for a nice suit and within a minute I had a perfectly fitted one. Great store! Friendly and courteous sales people, excellent clothes for reasonable prices!

  • Elisheva Goldhar

    Elisheva Goldhar


    It was such a pleasure to shop there. Beautiful place and very organized. The customer service was amazing!! Definitely recommend shopping there!! They make your shopping experience hassle free.

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