Cucharamama w Hoboken

Stany ZjednoczoneCucharamama



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233, Clinton Street, 07030, Hoboken, Hudson County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 201-420-1700
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7407181, Longitude: -74.0345972

komentarze 5

  • Eric Williams

    Eric Williams


    Amazing little place that had a wood fired oven. Best tamale and chicharon I've ever had.

  • Alexia Spruell

    Alexia Spruell


    I went to Cucharamama for the first time a couple of weeks ago. I had high expectations given the chef’s accolades and the variety on the menu, but was disappointed. The chips served were good and so were the drinks. The plating has more of a rustic feel, but I felt they added too much sauce to some of the dishes. I ordered salmon and the portion was too large. The skin was also left on which I typically don’t mind, but it was soggy and should have been removed. Overall, the food was just okay in my opinion.

  • en

    Allan Boyer


    Excellent as always. Skirt steak and pork were cooked perfectly with just the right amount of spices. Topped off with a spiced chocolate flan that had the consistency of a mousse. The waiter knew the menu perfectly and answered our questions. Highly recommended.

  • Jason Oermann

    Jason Oermann


    This is the best restaurant in Hoboken. Aways have a hard time navigating the menu because ordering small plates for your meal is so amazing but the entrees (especially from the oven) absolutely need to be tried. This restaurant is better visited twice because both are completely different experiences. Highly recommended.

  • Madelene Bernard

    Madelene Bernard


    We had a truly wonderful experience here! The atmosphere is so artful. It feels romantic, inviting, and comforting. Interesting paintings and artifacts adorn the walls and it might be a good idea to just walk around to take in all of the art. The food is spot on! Everything we ordered was incredibly delicious. From the simple pineapple and pumpkin salad to our big chicken and seafood entrees, every dish was a masterpiece. Great flavors, interesting menu, and you also get to catch a glimpse of the chef putting the final touches on your dish. Amazing staff, absolutely brilliant dining experience. Highly recommend!

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