CubeSmart Self Storage w White Plains

Stany ZjednoczoneCubeSmart Self Storage



🕗 godziny otwarcia

80, South Kensico Avenue, 10601, White Plains, Westchester County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 914-682-7998
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.0356383, Longitude: -73.7571871

komentarze 5

  • Louis Rodriguez

    Louis Rodriguez


    Cool place easy to get to.... Extented hours ti make moving easier

  • Erica Sama

    Erica Sama


    I used this CubeSmart facility for nearly three years for my job until I relocated out of state recently. I got a new CubeSmart unit in my new town because I had such a good experience at the White Plains location. I am a pharmaceutical sales rep and need a unit for materials relating to my work. CubeSmart is secure and the staff signed for my shipments and placed the items in my cube for my convenience (They had a copy of my key in the office and I signed a form authorizing their entry into my unit). The staff always alerted me immediately when I received deliveries via phone call or voicemail. They were always very professional and accommodating. They are all also very friendly and I enjoyed seeing them when I stopped in. They always remembered me by name and even offered me a cold bottle of water on hot days. I want to specifically recognize Shirley, Jesse, and Brenda, as they were incredibly friendly, professional, and accommodating. Overall a great company and exceptional staff particularly in White Plains. Very pleased with my experience, absolutely recommend.

  • en

    Mike Vieni


    Disgusting, The building looks terrible. The hallways are way to small.

  • Carlos Echevarria

    Carlos Echevarria


    Es bonito y buenas atenciones y las personas buenas y recpetosas

  • en

    Deirdre Curran


    I only needed the unit for a short time (2 months) but this staff was just about the NICEST group of customer service reps I have ever encountered anywhere. Everyone was wonderful! Friendly, polite, cheerful and very professional/efficient. This is a good place to use for storage. Great staff, convenient location, clean well maintained facility and reasonably priced. I'll go back there if I ever need a local storage unit again!

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