CubeSmart Self Storage w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneCubeSmart Self Storage



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2990, Cropsey Avenue, 11214, Kings County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 718-373-0517
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.5804364, Longitude: -73.9880412

komentarze 5

  • Theresa Golden

    Theresa Golden


    Very good experience, gave me an honest answer about what size unit I needed. Place is clean & accessible 7 days a week.

  • en

    Gulida Abdushukurova


    It is my first time experience to rent storage and I am very glad I did it First of all the personality of mr Paul White .He is so friendly executive ,tactful and communicative in terms of accordance to the ethics of high professionalism So He is professional indeed I consider that due to the presents of such a prominent people the company grows and will becomes more famous to public as the best Storage in New York The other person I would like to express my gratitude to is miss Kamilah Thompson She is the one I met first and got so highly professional introduction to the storage facilities and potentials and I made immidiate decision to rent More over I was admired by her warm sunny personality the way she work ,her attitude to customers -balanced polite executive. She is also the one who promote company grows and become the best Storage in New York

  • en

    Monica Vazquez


    The service at CubeSmart always just gets better. The facilities are immaculately clean, and the staff is awesome and friendly. There was a dude named Kevin who was so helpful in viewing two size units to help me figure out which one would be most helpful for me. The location is also easily accessible right off of the Belt Parkway.

  • Lorraine Ackerman

    Lorraine Ackerman


    Kevin Abreu was very helpful in getting me setup. He was respectful and he answered all of my questions. He also gave me the unit I wanted and cleaned it as soon as he could. I know that these things are expected of personnel, however, they are not always given. I very much appreciated the service Kevin Abreu provided me with.

  • en

    Julia Trusheleva


    What a great place! I've been renting a unit here for almost a year and the management was great at helping me set it up. Additionally Oliver is a great team member for CubeSmart. He not only knows most of us by name, but let's us know there are packages for us before we realize that ourselves. Everyone at this location goes above and beyond to help address any questions.

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