CubeSmart Self Storage w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneCubeSmart Self Storage



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1235, East Tremont Avenue, 10460, Bronx County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 718-239-6333
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.8400486, Longitude: -73.8718448

komentarze 5

  • Johnny Walker

    Johnny Walker


    Mr. Jonathan Sanchez is one of the best mangers that I have come across at this cube smart location very kind and very friendly service . Also Ms Valerie Lawson is one of the best General managers she is professional and she is very nice and friendly. This location is one of the cleanest Cube smart that I have been to . I have no problems at this location. The staff are professionals. I have no complaints

  • Tiffany Majors

    Tiffany Majors


    I'd came across some issue with my account recently and Valerie (the general manager) provided excellent service!. She was able to assist me, without me feeling overwhelmed and gave me a courtesy call concerning my next cycle and the charges to prevent. Service like this makes me happy to be a customer. And to also add the tidiness at this location is - 'a two thumbs up'. My unit is located in the basement. Initially, I was taken back to be on the B. floor but surprisingly, I felt comfortable. It's bright and the carpet does not have an odor and both elevators works sufficiently. Thank you Cubesmart, Satisfied Customer

  • en

    kia c


    So happy I choose this location. Very clean and Valerie Lawson (the manager) was so helpful and nice. Definitely recommend

  • t'Jacques G

    t'Jacques G


    The front desk workers were extremely helpful, patient, personable, and funny! Ms. Tanya walked me through the lease, explaining everything, and made sure I got the best deal I could get. They gave us water bottles when we seemed thirsty and made conversation with us. Definitely excited to have chosen this Cube Smart! EDIT: Still a fantastic place! I decided to use it again, and the manager Ms. Valerie remembered my name, even though she hadn't seen me for 9 months! Manager Jonathon was very friendly and helpful. It's a clean facility and a great place—I will likely use it again next summer. I wish I could give it more than 5 stars.

  • en

    Ricky rijos


    This facility is clean and the manager Jonathan is a good person he helped me find the storage that’s best fits my needs and he made the whole Process easy and non stressful I definitely will be recommending this location to family and friends thanks to the Management

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