CSL Plasma w Aurora

Stany ZjednoczoneCSL Plasma



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690, Peoria Street, 80011, Aurora, Arapahoe County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 303-363-0095
strona internetowej: www.cslplasma.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 39.7259427, Longitude: -104.8447145

komentarze 5

  • en

    Matt Netzer


    Had a great experience at CSL. I had recently been to Biomed and had a horrible experience there. Their people are rude, the place seemed very unsanitary and an overall bad experience. Then I went to CSL on 6th and Peoria and had a MUCH better experience. The people were very friendly and the place was nice and clean. Ill definitely keep going back to CSL.

  • en

    Babyhulk Jett


    Very easy and pleasant experience. Staff very friendly even though they seemed understaffed.

  • en

    Dana Taylor


    Came on Saturday at 12 and they said they're not accepting any new donors because they're short staffed and to come back the next day. Called the next day and they said they were taking new donors, so i drank tons of water, went out to eat and showed up an hour later. All I get is "sorry, who did you talk to?" From 3 different employees because apparently they're short staffed again and are not taking new donors again, even though there's only 2 people in the waiting room. And they told me I should just come back tomorrow AGAIN.

  • Mariann Gentile

    Mariann Gentile


    I've never had a major issue. I have very deep veins but 9 times out of 10 I'm able to donate without resticking or anything similar. The staff are generally friendly. I would say they need slightly more management and supervision rather than making the staff figure out everything on the spot but that sounds like every American industry I know of.

  • Christian Cadena

    Christian Cadena


    Denise the group lead for the people who takes your vitals clearly hates her job. I was in line and it was moving pretty quickly except for her station. While the other stations typically took 5 minutes hers took 10 and nearly everyone that went to her station had to do a retake. Makes you wonder if it’s the people or the person taking the vitals. When I was doing my vitals she was more busy doing other things and leaving the station. She isn’t friendly or focus at the task at hand. Beside her though, the rest of the staff is usually pretty friendly and you can get through the line pretty quickly as long as you drink plenty of water!

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