Crystal Clean Laundromat w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneCrystal Clean Laundromat


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

1387, Boston Road, 10456, Bronx County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.8332671, Longitude: -73.8975672

komentarze 5

  • en

    Carmen Rodriguez


    It's our only laundry Matt around . I will not speak bad about it any more. Because there's new owners and they are going to make this place a success. Can't wait for dry cleaning. All in all you must know that they have a few amazing people working there hard working people that make your laundry smell beautiful folded to perfection and this wonderful ladies deserve all the respect and tips because they work hard to make sure that you are satisfied with your clothe. Yolanda & Maria you guys make my laundry Matt experience pleasant every week thank you so much for all the help.

  • Walter Quinones

    Walter Quinones


    Is a good and clean place to do your laundry, i liked..

  • en

    Afua Serwaah


    I've been coming here for yrs. Good machines and friendly staff.

  • Christopher Mancero

    Christopher Mancero


    Extremely disappointed. Drop off service is probably not the best option. Dropped clothes off to wash. Went to pick up 3 to 4 days later in evening. When i unloaded clothes from sack next morning, clothes were just as i left it when i took it. Nothing was washed... Wasted my money. Most likely never going back if they can't even gauruntee that your clothes will be washed.

  • Fernando P

    Fernando P


    Place is fine,,,lots off machines, ,,the reason for two starts,,,,is because they do not enforce the no parking if you're not a customer rules,,,, i seen people park there car to avoid the alternate side and get mad at me for blocking them,,,,,, hello I'm the one washing clothes ,,,,i deserve the spot you're not a customer, ,,,,,,enforce the no parking if not a customer ,,have those car tow away, ,,,,so when the customers come to wash clothes, ,,can use the spot without having to deal with none customer issues....

najbliższy Pralnia

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