Crunch - Paramus w Paramus

Stany ZjednoczoneCrunch - Paramus



🕗 godziny otwarcia

600, Winters Avenue, 07652, Paramus, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 201-634-0400
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.961746, Longitude: -74.070559

komentarze 5

  • Teodor Stanchev

    Teodor Stanchev


    A totally renovated jim with friendly staff.

  • en

    John Cherruault


    Newly renovated!! New machines, my whole family works out here, Boot Camp with Steph is a must!!

  • Karitza Montero

    Karitza Montero


    If I do recall female manger (heavy set woman) is nasty behind your back. She sends employees to do her dirty work. She won't say it herself or be herself. She is always on her phone. Getting paid to do nothing I see. The gym is not bad over all

  • cindy ballantine

    cindy ballantine


    I can write a whole book, but I won’t waste my time. All I want to say is sign up for a gym where the staff is friendly.. There are no customer service skills what so ever!

  • en

    Tina Fu


    A great, energizing class with with Kate who focused on our form and provided a variety of movements and kept things moving and interesting. Looking forward to more classes. Pattie is a wonderfully challenging instructor. She helped us adjust the reformer and straps for our height, and kept an eye on our form throughout class. Killer inner thigh and side plank movements. Looking forward to my next class. Jaimie knew exactly what I needed when focusing on glutes, obliques, hamstrings, and the core today. Jaimie is so easy to follow and watches over us to ensure proper form and provides modifications as necessary. Enjoyable challenge that gives more energy after her class. Cannot wait until my next class. Great Pilates Reformer class with Jaimie today. Jaimie gave thorough explanations/demonstrations of the various exercises giving us a more cardio workout, kept us motivated with high energy and ensured we kept proper form. Looking forward to my next class.

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