CrossFit Cliffhangers i Dumont

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72, Washington Avenue, 07628, Dumont, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 201-771-7700
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Latitude: 40.938844, Longitude: -73.994525

kommentar 5

  • Rich Switzer

    Rich Switzer


    After a year or two of toying with the idea of joining a CrossFit gym, my wife (probably sick of hearing me talk about it so much) set up a consultation with Al at CrossFit Cliffhangers because of its proximity to our home. After only a few minutes of speaking with him, his passion and excitement of using CrossFit to help individuals meet their fitness goals became clearly obvious. One of the common "knocks" against CrossFit is that the athletes commonly get injured because of poor form. With Al's background in strength and conditioning, I knew that that would not be the case for the people that trained at Cliffhangers. All the coaches possess the ability to scale a workout so it is ideally suited for each individual to get a workout and succeed (make progress) without the worry of injury. Having been with CFC for a little over 9 months now, full-time, I can safely say that I am in the best all-around shape of my life. I can do things now at age 35 that I couldn't do when I was 25. I owe this fact to the coaches. The environment the coaches have created at CFC is top-shelf. It starts with their "always positive" attitude. It creates camaraderie/teamwork that gives individuals the encouragement necessary to take that one last step, one last rep, etc. The workouts of the day (WOD's) are tough, but the coaches always encourage you all the way through it. And the sense of accomplishment you have after completing one? Well, you'll just have to come in and experience that for yourself.

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    kimberly lanzana


    Cliffhangers is a great CF gym with an amazing community and coaches. Check them out and see why so many people call this Box home

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    Anyely Tabares


    I love being part of the Crossfit Cliffhangers’ family. Al is an amazing coach. Everyone from the coaching staff to the members are very friendly and helpful. Thanks Cliffhangers for helping me achieve my fitness goals and motivation to keep going.

  • Matthew Riedlinger

    Matthew Riedlinger


    Crossfit Cliffhangers is an amazing community of people striving for excellence, all in an effort to maximize a persons physical condition, endurance, flexibility and strength. The coaches meet you where you are at physically and push you to the next level. No matter if you are a seasoned athlete or haven't set foot inside a gym since high school- you will be welcomed at CFC. Despise the regular gym routine? CFC is for you. Hate mega gyms where everyone is "perfect"? CFC is for you. Have no idea what the difference between a dead lift and a push jerk is? CFC is for you. Afraid that everyone is an expert and you will slow things down? CFC is for you. Simply put CFC is for you!!!!! Yes, you will get your butt kicked. Yes, you will sweat more than thought humanly possible. Yes, muscles you never knew you had will ache. And YES- you will love it!

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    Tracey Gould


    CrossFit Cliffhangers is a great place for people of any age and fitness level to reach their goals. Since joining last October, I have seen a vast improvement in my strength and physical abilities. None of my personal accomplishments would have been possible without the support of the coaches and members. Thank you to everyone for creating such a motivational and welcoming environment!

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