Cresskill Performing Arts w Cresskill

Stany ZjednoczoneCresskill Performing Arts



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300, Knickerbocker Road, 07626, Cresskill, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 201-390-7513
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 40.941908, Longitude: -73.976363

komentarze 5

  • en

    Kelli Kohrherr


    I cannot say enough good things about CPA. My son has found a second home here and I could not be happier. The small, personalized classes make for an amazing experience. Love all of the teachers and am proud to be part of the family.

  • Demi Agapitos

    Demi Agapitos


    Besides the amazing fact that all of these teachers are professionals and working in the business, and provide excellent classes --which are made to be small so each child has personalized attention (Yes! Yes! Yes!), it is the director Betsy Daly and her staff that make this studio a warm, positive, happy place, and almost a second home for most dancers and performers who take classes there. There is a reason why so many kids that go off to college come back to visit whenever they can, they come back home. If you are ever fortunate enough to be apart of this wonderful studio, do not hesitate to sign up for classes!

  • Robyn Tedesco

    Robyn Tedesco


    I recently had the opportunity to get to know Betsy at a seminar. Her commitment to her studio and her passion for what she does is infectious. Cresskill Performing arts students are lucky to have such a dedicated advocate working to provide them with the finest dance studio in the area. Family focused and teachers are working professionals.

  • en

    Lisa Apollo


    My daughter has been dancing at this wonderful family owned business for the last seven years. This is my child's "home away from home." This is the place where she feels and IS completely safe, valued as an individual and supported both emotionally and physically by a staff of experienced, professional and caring teachers. Betsy Daly, director and owner of this exceptional place is the most genuine, caring person I have ever met. She always has a smile and a warm welcome when you arrive. This studio is not just her business but her passion. Each child who enters her doors are encouraged to be the best they can be. This studio is unique in that there is no pressure on the children to perform for trophies. This studio is all about creativity. All that Betsy asks is that the children have fun in whatever they do whether it is dancing, singing or acting. This studio consistently provides an environment that is supportive, understanding and nurturing. The entire staff from the teachers to the front desk are always courteous and available to the students and their parents alike. Betsy has not only been supportive and generous to my child over the years but to my family as well. I feel blessed to be a part of this exceptional studio and all it has to offer. I want to thank Betsy and her staff of wonderful teachers for encouraging my child to recognize her abilities and for igniting her passion for dance. I highly recommend this studio to all.

  • en

    Yana Gruber


    I worked here during my summers off in college as well as took a few classes. The teachers are professional, experienced and lovely. The students are funny, artistic and talented. And the director, Betsy, makes sure everyone is safe, happy, and learning. There are classes for young and old, experienced and novice. With professionalism, quality teachers, and a fun exciting environment, everyone who attends is in for fun and artistry. You can even swing by and sit in the lounge to watch performances of the students from previous years. As far as dance classes go in Bergen County, this is the only place you should go.

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