Crepe'N'Tearia w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneCrepe'N'Tearia



🕗 godziny otwarcia

177-7, Union Turnpike, 11366, Queens County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 718-380-0887
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7263041, Longitude: -73.7905727

komentarze 5

  • en

    Edwar rivas


    Do not try their s’mores crepe. It's basically the same as eating rubber.

  • Kasey Lee

    Kasey Lee


    The menu is surprisingly diverse for a specialty place. Crepes are very very good. They would get five stars if they were not cash only. ::EDIT:: They take cards now so five stars it is.

  • en

    Veeshal Mongroo


    Great crepes. Making a crepe is an art form which this place has perfected. My favorite is banana nutella crepe

  • noshin



    the milk bubble tea was bland but kindly they admitted it and replaced it and it was slightly better but the tapioca is far too rubbery and hard even though its pleasantly a bit sweet and they give plenty of it usually. the price is ok but the price for tapioca is a dollar?? other places its a bit less but oh well does'nt matter but for the quality you're getting it for, might want to change that. the taro was too sweet and the mango green tea tasted artificial

  • Nandram Shiwmangal

    Nandram Shiwmangal


    I used to love this spot. Recently, it hasn't been great. I went there and ordered one of their combos. The combos included a crepe and bubble tea. They ran out of bubbles. The lady that took my order said they couldn't do the combo and charged me separately. Why do I have to pay extra because you ran out of something. There's no documentation, on written sentence on their menu that states it. Over 6 years of going to this spot and the new management/employees found a way to make me stop. Went here again today, ordered a mango green tea with bubbles, all the sugar was at the bottom of the cup and tasted like regular green tea. I'm done with this spot.

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