Creative Glazing Inc i Bellmore

Forenede StaterCreative Glazing Inc



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2596, Merrick Road, 11710, Bellmore, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 516-826-3361
internet side:
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Latitude: 40.6625586, Longitude: -73.5295171

kommentar 4

  • David White

    David White


    One of the best contractors for sloped curved and custom designed glass. Installed a 20 x 20 greenhouse on my property at a reasonable price I will definitely be using them again on my next project

  • en

    Henry Terranova


    I called this guy 4 times to do work for me. I also visited his store 3 times...He answered me once and then never called back again...He was also never in his store...The person who works there just takes down numbers and puts them in a book, knowing that he will not call back...I had dealt with him one time and I was satisfied with his work but that was just as he was starting his business...I cant see how anyone can run a business like that and if you call him, you probably deserve the service (or lack of) that you will get....The worst kind of business to deal with.

  • George Closs

    George Closs


    Stopped in to order glass for a desktop. Dan told me the price would be $200 cash only. For some reason the price sounded kind of high. I called two other glass companies and got the same exact glass for $90.

  • Josh Evans

    Josh Evans


    Called Dan. He told me he come by in a hour. 3 hours went by. Called Dan again he said he come by in 30 minutes. He never showed he never called. And I live right up the block from his store. UNRELIABLE. I would never use this guy in the future. I wasted a whole day waiting for him.

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