Creations Salon w Stamford

Stany ZjednoczoneCreations Salon



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828, High Ridge Road, 06905, Stamford, Fairfield County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 203-329-9484
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 41.0999056, Longitude: -73.5481581

komentarze 4

  • Michelle Kwan

    Michelle Kwan


    I love my hair! The stylist really listened and I got exactly what I was looking for, a great, layered cut, keeping the length, full bangs, and a wavy, gorgeous perm! I highly recommend Creations, it's such a positive, relaxing atmosphere, the team works together, and you can tell they love what they do. Thanks, Creations!

  • en

    Lauren periwinkle


    The Salon that was open when I got out of work past 6pm, and this was perfect! I had an updo done by Emmy G. I got two Dutch braids and she did a great job. I slept in them and they still look freshly done. (My hair is naturally straight) Also the coffee was a great plus.

  • en

    Ruth Weinberg


    This salon is the first salon where the quality of service has been far more superior than other salons I have gone to in the past. I have hi-lites, color, haircuts and blow dries at the salon and I am constantly complimented by my friends, co-workers, as well as strangers at functions I may attend. This is the first salon that has made me look better than hi-end salons I have gone to in the past. Kathleen has been my stylist for a few years. When I wanted a change Kathleen suggested hi-lites and it has made a huge difference as my hair has that multi-dimensional look. Because my hair tends to frizz, it is more difficult to blow dry and Kathleen does a superior job. The times Kathleen was not available, other stylists were very accommodating and equally as talented. It’s just a feel-good salon experience every time I’m there with a very friendly staff. Ruth W.

  • Beth O'Malley

    Beth O'Malley


    High End professional salon - at a fraction of the cost-worth the trip from Greenwich! KATHLEEN is extremely talented with color & cut. This combination is rare especially given her expert skill set. Conversation, cappuccino and a glass of wine are added bonuses!

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