Crazy Hair Spa(hair salon) i Hewlett

Forenede StaterCrazy Hair Spa(hair salon)



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1245, Broadway, 11557, Hewlett, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 516-569-0001
internet side:
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Latitude: 40.6378164, Longitude: -73.7014904

kommentar 5

  • en

    jia ming meng


    This is a very magical shop.My hair is very curly.My hair is very straight now.

  • en

    chiu celine


    #h Hair&spa #crazy hair spa #nyc#rvc#school teacher 10%off

  • en

    Rachel Kauderer


    The name crazy hair spa suits them perfectly. If you are not satisfied with the service and don’t give a tip you will be “attacked” in a foreign language!!!

  • en



    Best hair cut and color I have ever had. Julia the colorist is the best. Andy is the best hair cutter and you have to see him blow your hair. It's like a show. Awesome place.

  • Selin Zorer

    Selin Zorer


    Best hair cut and color I have ever had. Julia the colorist is the best. Andy is the best hair cutter and you have to see him blow your hair. It's like a show. Awesome place.

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