Crazy Crepe Cafe Miller Place w Miller Place

Stany ZjednoczoneCrazy Crepe Cafe Miller Place



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465, New York 25A, 11764, Miller Place, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 631-509-6406
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 40.9426949, Longitude: -72.9837968

komentarze 5

  • Mary Serra

    Mary Serra


    I had a Groupon which gave us the buffet and one sweet Crazy crepe which was horrible taste like powdered eggs we were are able to get one sweet crepe it was fine and never got the mimosas which were promise we were in and out of there in less than 20 minutes was actually terrible

  • Wei Wang

    Wei Wang


    Delicious food, nice neat decor, one hostess' show, very friendly , service is good. You may have to reserve in advance for a big party. I can't believe the negative review(personal vendetta most likely). My daughter ordered Strawberry Nutella, a classic repertoire; Mine was Spinach Glutten Free one with Goat Cheese and Cranberry, the most delicious pancake one, goat cheese melt to my mouth. Daughter took half of mine too, she is a very picky eater. Highly recommended!

  • en

    Catrina Savastano


    This place is great. The owner is awesome and he has a great staff and great food!

  • James P.

    James P.


    Absolutely love this place...all the staff are friendly. The food is beyond phenomenal and the drinks are just as good. Wonderful cozy place to come to relax. And it's cheap! They could easily charge 2 times what they're charging. (Don't do it though! ;) )

  • jade.stuart01



    Absolutely love this place!! Atmosphere is cozy and welcoming. The crepes are delicious and the staff is extremely friendly and polite.

najbliższy Kawiarnia

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