Cozy Dentistry, LLC en Ridgefield Park

Estados UnidosCozy Dentistry, LLC



🕗 horarios

174-176, Main Street, 07660, Ridgefield Park, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 201-267-6700
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.855711, Longitude: -74.0253913

comentarios 5

  • en

    Kandace Zimmer


    The best dentist I have ever been too. I am a huge baby when it comes to the dentist (I'm talking panic attacks) I've had a few in the past that really weren't gentle or caring at all. I needed a lot of work done in my mouth, extractions, root canals, the whole nine. I didn't feel a thing. Not even the initial needle to numb me. Dr. E puts you at ease from the get go. She explains everything thoroughly and she pays attention to detail. Her staff is fantastic too. Wonderful receptionist, hygienist, everyone was sweet and kind to be a big baby like me. I've found a dentist for life.

  • en

    Rebecca A


    Great dentist! The staff is extremely welcoming and friendly. I was told by a different dentist that I needed a root canal. When I came to Dr. Edalat it turned out I didn’t need a root canal and she fixed my tooth with filling. Dr. Edalat is the nicest and most gentle dentist I’ve ever been to. I highly recommend coming here!

  • Estefani B

    Estefani B


    Excellent service and very kind staff! Always flexible and very informative. I am so happy to have found this place. No complaints!

  • en

    Margaret M


    This place is the best place ever !!! The name cozy dentistry has a lot of meaning. They make you feel cozy, and welcome. The staff is amazing and the doctor too. I have a fear of being in the dentist office but not here. The doctor made sure I was ok and comfortable. They have tv in the room and headphones to block the noise. This is the first place I ever went to that made you feel welcome and comfortable. Please go here and you won’t regret it. They take children too.

  • en

    No User


    Wonderful experience. I've had terrible experiences in the past after my primary dentist stopped taking my insurance. Then I found this place through my provider and I'm so grateful. Small but lovely office, very well maintained with a fantastic staff. Dentist was extremely gentle and knowledgeable, I felt very comfortable in her chair and I never had to wait long when I made an appointment. I'm kind of reluctant to write this because I don't wanna share my dentist but she's totally worth 5 stars. Thank you!!!

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