Corradino and Papa, LLC w Clifton

Stany ZjednoczoneCorradino and Papa, LLC



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935, Allwood Road, 07012, Clifton, Passaic County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 973-574-1200
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.8522273, Longitude: -74.1733423

komentarze 5

  • Nai Onuoha

    Nai Onuoha


    I chose this law firm, based on reviews, when I was in a car accident a year and seven months ago which was in October of 2016. I am still waiting for my case to settle. My lawyer has kept me up to date on my case and reassured me on how hard he is working to get my case settled. I feel confident that I chose the best law firm for my case. I recommend Corradino and Papa.

  • en

    George Sloan


    Great team that gets the job done!

  • es

    David Gonzalez


    I can't thank the office of Corradino & Papa enough for all of their help and effort with my case. They were so attentive and always kept me up to date every step of the way. Tim Fonseca was very friendly and helpful and would check up on me to ask how I was feeling and made sure I understood the whole process. Couldn't have asked for a better experience. No les puedo agradecer lo suficiente a la oficina de Corradino & Papa por toda su ayuda y esfuerso con mi caso. Fueron tan atentos conmigo y siempre me mantuvieron al tanto en cada paso. El Señor Fonseca fue muy amable y me ayudo bastante en entender lo que pasaba con mi caso.  Me llamaba para preguntar como me sentia y eso se lo agradesco. No pude pedir una mejor experiencia.

  • Tim Dolan

    Tim Dolan


    I was involved in a serious car accident were I was frightened about being out of work for such a long time without getting paid . I was scared for me and my family's future but upon seeing thier commercial on tv always on news 12 I decided to call them and set up an appointment to meet with thier attorneys. The team guided me thru the process of putting together the information needed for the case . Shortly thereafter i received a settlement that was OVER AND ABOVE anything I expected ! I would highly recommend them to your family and friends for any personal injury or workers' comp case ! Very happy :) thanks guys !

  • en

    mansi sharma


    Corradino and Papa llc provide free initial consultation. I have experienced their services two times. Both times they guided me with all legal advice. They represent clients in most types of accidents caused by the negligence of others. Highly Recommended!

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