Corner Ramen w Denver

Stany ZjednoczoneCorner Ramen



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1629, Bruce Randolph Avenue, 80205, Denver, Denver County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 303-292-0250
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 39.7646301, Longitude: -104.9674747

komentarze 5

  • Andrea Velasco

    Andrea Velasco


    Awesome ramen restaurant. The poke bowl was generously filled with a lot of seafood! Great price, quality and flavor!

  • Justin Hall

    Justin Hall


    Wow! Stopped here for lunch while working in the area and I was blown away. Tried the spicy lobster ramen and it was awesome. The lobster was cooked perfectly, the egg was perfect, and the broth was the best I've ever tasted. The service was fast and our waiter was spot on with his recommendations and promptness. I will definitely be back!

  • Jason MacFarlane

    Jason MacFarlane


    The Fried Chicken appetizer was one of the best I have had. Corner Ramen has a nice little location that feels like a house conveniently located in rhino. The ramen was beautifully decorated but definitely not spicy enough and overall the flavor unfortunately was a little Bland in comparison to the competition in the area. We had a nice day and enjoyed the experience but it was definitely not the most authentic Ramen or most flavorful I've tasted. I wish this place the best and they seemed quite busy the night we were there. + 1 * 4 delicious Asian melon candies on the way out.

  • en

    Jin Hill


    This place was so delicious. Talk about fresh dining and not feeling sluggish. It's a mile away from my house. I'm going to be a frequent eater here. The shitake buns and rainbow bowl is tops!

  • Ross Blank

    Ross Blank


    Pretty darn good. Spicy enough, good portions, acceptable pricing. I'd happily go again. Parking seems a little hit or miss, but doable. Inside is a bit crammed, but not unreasonably so. They were patient with our slow party, an hour and a half simply flew by.

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