Coram Bagel i Coram

Forenede StaterCoram Bagel


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2229, Route 112, 11727, Coram, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 631-320-1072
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Latitude: 40.8699951, Longitude: -73.0035952

kommentar 1

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    Jift McGee


    The food is good, ordered a turkey bagel sandwich and a pastrami bagel sandwich. Didn't think it would take 15 minutes to make a sandwich though, the guy could have just informed me that the turkey hadn't been sliced yet, and I would have been fine with the wait. Handed me my food I thanked him, he gave me a weird look and he accused me of not paying, seemed confused that another employee could have accepted payment for my order. He only cut my sandwich half way down which made it awkward to eat. Friend ordered a cream cheese bagel, apparently you're supposed to spread cream cheese with your fingers? If you can get past the slow service, the accusations, and the hobo outside demanding money while snapping his fingers in your face like it's a disco dance party then you will enjoy it ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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