Coppola Tambascio Salon i Greenwich

Forenede StaterCoppola Tambascio Salon



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20, North Water Street, 06830, Greenwich, Fairfield County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 203-531-0766
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Latitude: 41.0045335, Longitude: -73.6572433

kommentar 3

  • Eric Tejeda

    Eric Tejeda


    I honestly do not know whose paying these people to write positive reviews, but my wife just waited over 4 hours for an awful hair appointment. There is nothing more to say. She is completely unsatisfied with her hair and they have the nerve to ask her for a TIP. I have a TIP for this salon, better your skills and perfect your craft.

  • Camille Platzek

    Camille Platzek


    The only place I will go. Great cuts and excellent color by Bobby

  • en

    Jane Schur


    I was immediately impressed by the cozy, warm and friendly environment of this small salon. I got a great haircut and my colorist did an exceptional job. I will definitely be back to try the new Brazilian Blow Out as well.

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