Cool Styles i Carmel Hamlet

Forenede StaterCool Styles



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1747, Old Route 6, 10512, Carmel Hamlet, Putnam County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 845-228-7090
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Latitude: 41.4167407, Longitude: -73.6716352

kommentar 5

  • Jeni Pas

    Jeni Pas


    I have very Latin curly frizzy hair and living in a white majority area i doubted every salon to be able to handle my hair & or have the products I am use to using. Hence why I use to drive 90 minutes to the city to get my hair done, till I found Cool Styles. Angie& crew are amazing the least to say. I walk in with crazy new trend starting ideas and they embrace the challenge and succeed the style. Sometimes even recommending alternate ideas that have also worked out great. These pics of some examples, starting from most recent to older.

  • Danimalous Bearmaximus

    Danimalous Bearmaximus


    great place . i get my 3 yr olds hair cut here and they always do a great job

  • en

    mildred Vega


    thank you ladies

  • Jack Di Noia

    Jack Di Noia


    Tracey gives the best haircutz

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    Sonia Gonzalez


    Cool Styles is a great salon! All of the hairdressers are friendly and attentive, I have been going there for over 7 years now and the quality service I receive is comparable to Manhattan salons. Great quality service for a great price! You just can't go wrong here! They always make you leave feeling pretty!

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