Cool Power LLC en Ronkonkoma

Estados UnidosCool Power LLC



🕗 horarios

75, Air Park Drive, 11779, Ronkonkoma, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 631-360-2665
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.7844158, Longitude: -73.0937432

comentarios 5

  • Vee Flo

    Vee Flo


    If it weren't for the the relationship they have with Costco, I would've never used them. I trust Costco but this time I second guess Costco's decision to align themselves with Cool Power. During the installation they severed all the lines to my existing Lennox unit and had to reconnect and recharge the system. Make note, if you're having a system installed through Costco and Cool Power, the initial down payment is not part of the rebate Costco offers you ( usually 10% to 15% of the entire job) Your loss. The deposit goes to Cool Power and, as such, is not part of the Costco rebate. The owner of Cool Power who incidentally is also the salesman will not make good on the amount. When you're spending close to upwards of $ 10,000, that amount you're not entitled to adds up.

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    Brent Losch


    Great company knowledgeable service and installation Cruze good value for your money

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    Brian S.


    This HVAC company installed my second floor system incorrectly. After many service calls over the past 5 years, system still not working properly. Stay away and save your money/aggravation.

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    Highly recommend 5 STARS! Found Cool Power from Costco Central AC programs. A plus-plus on both ends with rebates, tax credit and discounts. Even had the CEO come to my house to inspect, and explained which type of unit would best fit my house, answered all questions. Lennox top of the line, so quiet, a great investment. Expert and clean installations from all technicians. Fully detailed, assisted in explaining all functions on complete central AC install. Highly recommend!

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    James D



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