Continental w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneContinental



🕗 godziny otwarcia

25, 3rd Avenue, 10003, New York, New York County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 212-529-6924
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7296403, Longitude: -73.9896237

komentarze 5

  • en

    Drew Cienfuegos


    Great place...don't be mistaken by the deal or the outside look. During happy hour, you'd be hard pressed to beat this place. RIP.

  • en

    Courtney Walker


    Omg this place is so racist. If I could give it less than one star I would! I went there a couple of weeks ago with my friends and when I tried to use the rest room the bouncer pushed me. I guess they don’t like black girls at this bar. (And no we weren’t loud or acting “ghetto”) like that should matter. Won’t spend another dime in this place!

  • en

    Cherise McKinnon


    It's kind of a hole in the wall bar, but it's got alot of character. It's always kinda dark inside, and they've got all this random neon, glow in the dark, psychedelic art up on the walls. Nobody goes for the decor though, they go for the alcohol!! They've got a 5 shots of anything for $12 deal that you can't beat, especially in New York City! Of course it's all house liquor, but it's still a great deal. Good spot to pregame for cheap, or if you have nothing better to do, hang with some friends and have some drinks. They've got an open area in the back which is great for drunk dancing. There's always a random mix of music playing, but overall the vibe there is chill.

  • en

    Jamilah Dacosta


    Not my first time here but the chick behind the bar spoiled my final day there. I would have supported you until your official closing day but that chick killed the vibe. She was so rude and throw my change to me. It was 5:03pm so definitely not drunk and she has no right to act in such a manner. Disgusting.

  • Aja Worrell

    Aja Worrell


    What bar doesn't offer free water? This one. Plus it smelled like alcohol. Good bars don't smell like alcohol at all. In addition, it was dark inside. The interior decorations should be updated too. It looks like the inside of a casket. In addition, there is no food there.

najbliższy Bar

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