Consumers Kitchens & Baths en East Meadow

Estados UnidosConsumers Kitchens & Baths



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2280, Hempstead Turnpike, 11554, East Meadow, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 631-563-3200
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.7249511, Longitude: -73.5513955

comentarios 5

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    Paul Violino


    Horrible. They have a ticket machine like in a deli. You wait for two people to serve the entire store. See ya!

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    Allison Matos


    Went there for an estimate on a small kitchen. Guess the job was too small because we never heard back from the sales associate who took all of our info and promised a call within 48 hours.

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    Denise DeVito


    I am extremely pleased with the work done by Consumers Kitchens and Baths. I had my kitchen completely renovated and they did an excellent job. Everyone that I dealt with was friendly, professional and knowledgeable. I highly recommend anyone who is looking to renovate their kitchen to go to Consumers Kitchens and Baths.

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    Antman Gab


    Gwynn is the most personable, knowledgeable salesperson ever!! Designed both our kitchen and master bath!

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    Danielle Betz


    Not surprised to find such a poor rating on Google. We purchased kitchen cabinets. Our salesman was terrible. I needed to insist he check the catalog to find a cabinet that would fit (which he did) after saying one did not exist. When our cabinets were installed they opened up and hit one another. I called to ask if there was a solution and he told me to get chains from a hardware store. After making holes in my cabinets to install these (which didn't work) I called directly to the cabinet company which they tell you they already did. Apparently there was a simply installed hardware called cabinet restraints. I had to once again call consumers to tell them what I needed to fix the problem. Months later they arrived. If they had called themselves as they said they did. I wouldn't have brand new cabinets with dents and holes. Both the manager and assistant manager have apologized and assured me they would try to find a way to rectify the situation. It is 3 months later. No call. No help. Still have cabinets with holes and damage. Terrible customer service. Do not use them. They are not knowledgable or helpful.

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