Connoisseur Restoration in Justin

Vereinigte StaatenConnoisseur Restoration



🕗 öffnungszeiten

15448, FM 156 S, 76247, Justin, Denton County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakte telefon: +1 940-648-2647
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 33.05841, Longitude: -97.299533

kommentare 5

  • Mark Goggins

    Mark Goggins


  • Laura Beth CoomerMusic

    Laura Beth CoomerMusic


  • en

    Dialed Baits


    Repaired the hail damage to my wife’s BMW and the car was ready when they said it would be. Very pleased with the work performed.

  • en

    Jace & Levi Wehunt


    I have used Connoisseur several times and am pleased with experience with them. They were helpful with all my concerns of work performed.

  • Dusty Roop

    Dusty Roop


    It pisses me off that I have to give this place one star. Pro.used the car on a Friday. I went to pick it up and the kid that was ru Bing the place smirked and said it wasn't ready. Ruined my weekend. When I picked it up Monday and got it home there was overspent all over the car. I had to use a clay bar on the car to remove the overspent paint. Do yourself a favor and skip this place. The owner is an idiot.

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