Computuners - Computer Services w Nanuet

Stany ZjednoczoneComputuners - Computer Services



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134, Main Street, 10954, Nanuet, Rockland County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 845-652-8592
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.092383, Longitude: -74.012693

komentarze 5

  • en

    Cheryl Johnson


    I can't say enough about Computuners! The keyboard went on my daughters laptop and they ordered and installed a new one within a few days. The same week my hard drive was not working went to Computuners and bought a new computer from them. I was using windows 7 and they gave me the 10 but set it up so it was close to the 7 to make my life easier. They were able to transfere all my data. When I went to pick it up the employee set it up for me and explained everything to me and the added built in features. I had questions and called them and they accessed my computer and helped me out. Everyone at the store is very professional, knowledgeable and pleasant. I Highly Recommend this company !!!!! Thank you Computuners for all your excellent service !!

  • Joseph Taccetta

    Joseph Taccetta


    Staff was knowledgeable and thorough. Service was performed very timely and pricing was competitive. Communication and payment processes are conveniently streamlined. Computer IT issues do not think twice call Computuners and support a local business.

  • en

    Melanie M


    Took my desktop in for servicing in February . It is now May and I cannot tell you what a joy it is to use again. My desktop is better than new and worry free with build in features. Staff is easy to talk to, very professional and knowledgeable.

  • en

    Sondra Nadohl


    AMAZING AMAZING.... My computer broke down it was the hard drive . Was recommended to me to go to Computuners . It was the best decision i ever made. I worked with Isaac he is a gift from heaven. I bought a new computer from the store and he spent 4 hours with me setting me up. Intelligent, knowledgeable, pleasant , sense of humor including the whole staff I never write a review but i had to because so well deserved.

  • en

    John Hudson


    Wow. This is THE place to get your computer up and running. All of the sales help were honest, timely, and friendly. Steve and Isaac were very knowledgeable about fixing the computer. But even after I brought it home Scott, over the phone -for free, was so kind and patient helping me set everything to my liking and showing me (a computer novice) many helpful tips. Also they were reasonably priced, and offer continuing help as long as you need it. WOW. SUPER GREAT!!!!!!!!

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