Complete Appliance & AC Rpr in Bohemia

Vereinigte StaatenComplete Appliance & AC Rpr


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1395, Lakeland Avenue, 11716, Bohemia, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakte telefon: +1 631-737-5470
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Latitude: 40.778541, Longitude: -73.108118

kommentare 5

  • en

    Michael Kettell


    This company is horribly unprofessional, rude and I'm not sure they are not running a scam. They seem very reluctant to do any type of warranty work and are nothing but argumentative and combative. We were instructed to use them for warranty repair to a room air conditioner per PC Richard and Sons. The first appointment was approximately one week ago, and I informed the person calling to confirm that there is another phone number they should be using. The company needed to come back on 5/18. They called on 5/17 (wrong phone number) and left a voicemail stating our repair window was between 9-2. At approximately 10:35, someone from the company called (again not the number I instructed them to call last week) and left a rude message saying that since we were not answering, they would be cancelling our service and we would need to reschedule. I was unable to answer because I am at work. Last week I provided the Company with the phone number for my fiancé who would be home during service. When I listened to the voicemail approximately 15 minutes after the phone call, I was appalled at the tone and message. The caller stated that we were not answering the phone, which implies there were several or at least more than one attempt to reach us; there were not. When we returned the phone call within 20 minutes, we were told there was nothing that could be done. This is outrageous; who expects the customer to sit around waiting and be available to answer the first phone call we receive for over 6 hours (our repair window). I returned the call and asked to speak with a Supervisor, a request that was denied. When I asked for the name of the supervisor, I was given only his first name, Kevin, and I was refused his surname. When I asked for the supervisor's phone number, that request was also denied. All the while, the person on the phone was not pleasant and not someone that I would ever have working for me in an environment dealing with customers. We're currently working with PC Richard to engage a different repair company and have asked that PC Richard investigate this matter and reevaluate future work with this vendor.

  • en

    Jody Resko


    Worst service ever! Wish I could give less stars.

  • en

    Brayden M.


    If you bought a product at PC Richards and they tell you that you will get a call from Complete Appliance...refuse their services. The technician was outright nasty. When we called the company to inquire about repair items ordered, we asked who the owner was. We were told that his name was Kevin. We wanted to speak with him about our bad experience. We received a phone call from a man pretending to be the owner when it really was the nasty technician that had been at our house. We specifically asked if he was Kevin, the owner, and he lied and said yes. When we realized it was the technician, Anthony, we told him that we knew he was lying. He said he was Anthony and now said that he was the manager and that they would no longer repair our machine. It was scary and crazy. Most reviews say that the technician is nasty. Stay away!! PC Richards will understand.

  • Nancy Dowdy-Adams

    Nancy Dowdy-Adams


    If I could give no stars I would. I requested repair of my refrigerator which is under warranty. The guy who came had an attitude, didn't want to work and because I had an ant bait behind my refrigerator he claimed I had roaches. I corrected him and said the bait was for ants. He told me to vacuum the vent to clear away dust and in a couple of hours my fridge would be fine and he left after that 2 minute analysis. Hours later my problem was not solved and when I called PC Richards they stated that the technician claimed the refrigerator was covered with dust and full of bugs and that I needed an exterminator before they would send another technician out. Omg what bugs I said. I had an ant bait behind the fridge from the fall. I don't have a bug problem. She says well I need to get a paper from an exterminator before she will send another tech to my home. What a load of bull!

  • en

    Kevin Gunther


    The technician was nice but don't think too knowledgeable. The woman on the phone was rude and inflexible been to my house two time for same repair call LG and told them to send someone else

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