Community Landscaping w Sound Beach

Stany ZjednoczoneCommunity Landscaping


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

222, Lower Rocky Point Road, 11789, Sound Beach, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 631-821-2864
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.9615527, Longitude: -72.9767509

komentarze 2

  • en

    phil winters


    They are untimely, sloppy and lacking of business and labor skills. I wouldn't bother.

  • en

    Katherine Luyando


    This is the worst company! First they don't clean up leaves they dump them on your neighbors property which starts fights. Then they do the same thing with snow and block entrances. Oh and the truck they drive they block your driveway! One day I was late to work because they don't reason with you and don't move their truck so I could not get out! This even happened to me at St. Charles hospital so many times because they block the main entrance to the hospital!! And when they recognized me they would give me dirty looks and talk about me in Spanish at work!!! And I understand Spanish so I understand them. Then one day I took my dog out in the backyard for her run and they started mocking her and making her angry. I went outside to tell them to stop and one creepy guy started asking me questions about what I do and where I go during the day. These people are so disrespectful! And now they came at 1:30 am to clean my neighbors driveways when they are both handicapped and don't drive in the snow!!!! People work here and now I can't sleep!!!! This is the worst company ever!! I don't know how they aren't out of business. Please no one use them. And they are super overpriced!!!!!!

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