Colony Grill w Stamford

Stany ZjednoczoneColony Grill



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172, Myrtle Avenue, 06902, Stamford, Fairfield County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 203-359-2184
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Latitude: 41.0508013, Longitude: -73.5273278

komentarze 5

  • Brandon Yost

    Brandon Yost


    Well have to say I love it, VERY solid thin-crust pie. I appreciate the walls covered in pictures and badges commemorating our armed forces and first responders, just a small way to say thank you to the people who put their life on the line. I had to get the 'Hot Oil' as an option on my pepperoni pizza, why? Because you simply can't go to a place that touts themselves as "The Original Hot Oil Bar Pie" and not try it! Adds a nice little bit of spice to the mix, really enjoyed it! Staff was very friendly, fast and helpful! I would recommend this place to anyone who loves pizza and trying a new take on pizza, I will also be back again myself!

  • en

    Peter White, Jr.


    Like the ambiance, beer selection, but didn't think the pizza was that special. I like spicy favorful things but the hot oil and stingers were just stinging hot without any flavor, plus the oil gets all over your mouth and hands if you're not careful. I'd like to go back and try a different kind and enjoy the beer a little more instead of having to order a milk to cool my mouth.

  • Faye Comer

    Faye Comer


    We wanted to try Hot Oil pizza... basically chili oil. The pizza was really good, nice thin crust, but the hot oil does make it pretty greasy... imagine, oil making it greasy :0) Anyway, won't get the hot oil next time. The Stingers are spicy and delicious, if you like serrano peppers.

  • Barbara Jean-Pierre

    Barbara Jean-Pierre


    Great is awesome. I have never eaten in at the Stamford colony grill ..but I must say the customer service was wonderful. THE waiter at the front of the house was awesome. He was attentive and helpful getting a table really quick despite Friday night rush. Thanks again

  • Dilfaraz Kalawat

    Dilfaraz Kalawat


    If hot oil pizza is your thing then this is definitely the best and original around CT area. I have tried the hot oil Pizza from other places but nothing can beat this place. Along with the pizza this place has a great selection of beer and a casual laid back ambience. You can visit this place with friends or family. Only place with an Irish pub feel which serves delicious pizza. 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻

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