Cold Stone Creamery w Phoenix

Stany ZjednoczoneCold Stone Creamery



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2501, West Happy Valley Road, 85085, Phoenix, Maricopa County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 623-869-9469
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 33.7114331, Longitude: -112.1113899

komentarze 5

  • Don Milligan

    Don Milligan


    Prompt courteous service, friendly atmosphere.

  • Samuel Boling

    Samuel Boling


    My experience with this location was not good. As mentioned by others the workers act like it is a pain to serve you and waste a lot on the board. What really bothered me was that the dipped waffle bowl my wife got tasted awful and the ice cream was melted and didn't taste that great but no customer service: they would not remake it or provide a refund, not even an apology, just "you can still eat it."

  • Kevin Meuret

    Kevin Meuret


    Always pleasant staff and experience. You pay for the customization as to be expected. If I wanted cheap and boring I wouldn't go there. When I want tasty and plentiful I come to this location.

  • en

    Info Coldpack


    Lady working did not mix the mixings into the ice cream and gave attitude when I asked... I thought the point of the cold stone was for mixing the add ins! Seems lazy, hope she’s not working next time.

  • en

    Andrea Bodea


    Normally I've always had a good experience here but last night I told the girl I wanted banana and chocolate side by side.. she gave me "mint and chocolate", i wasn't able to correct her because I was at the register already and I wasn't rude about it, all I said was "oh it was supposed to be banana and chocolate" and she was like "you said mint and chocolate.. but okay I can change it for you". Like I know what I said. I've never even gotten mint. I know 100% I said banana, maybe she misunderstood me, but Even if I was wrong, as customer service you're not supposed to tell me what I "said", just fix it. Giving it 4 stars though because I've never had a problem before. I do wish they had the blueberry muffin flavor at this location though.

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