Coco & Vainilla w Miami

Stany ZjednoczoneCoco & Vainilla



🕗 godziny otwarcia

1607, Southwest 8th Street, 33135, Miami, Miami-Dade County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 305-200-3694
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 25.765793, Longitude: -80.221399

komentarze 5

  • Matthew Cardenas

    Matthew Cardenas


    The way they prepare the food here is ASTONISHING. I have never been to any ice cream store in my life with such originality and potential then this. Definitely gonna make it big one day🔥 Sincerely, the Coco + Vanilla guy who wanted coconut again.

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    Mary Wood


    Great ice cream with friendly service! Had the Coco & Vainilla ice cream with almonds which was amazing. Best place in Calle Ocho

  • Caitlin Baer

    Caitlin Baer


    The people running Coco & Vainilla are so friendly. I could tell they put a lot of care into making a quality product. It pays off; my Stairway to Heaven smoothie was delicious. In addition to serving tasty treats, the atmosphere of this place can't be beat. As soon as you walk in, you're hit with the aroma of vanilla. There's local art hanging on the walls, and the employees greet you with a smile. They were patient with me when my Spanish skills weren't great, and I thoroughly enjoyed my short visit.

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    Sandra Parks


    Wonderful fresh product, wonderful atmosphere in little Havana Miami. Had a great time visiting with you yesterday and enjoying your fantastic ice cream. I would highly recommend this place whenever anyone is in little Havana.

  • Brian McSwiggen

    Brian McSwiggen


    An amazing rolled ice cream shop that opened recently! I can rave about the ice cream, which was delicious, or about the shop, which was bright and welcoming, or about the prices, which were very reasonable considering the amount of ice cream in a small. Really though, what made the experience for me & my friends were the staff. The owner, who was there making the ice cream for us, talked us through the whole process. He explained how the ice cream is made (fresh, in front of us!) and what makes it good (a careful balance of cold and heat). He helped guide us to flavors we would like, and really made sure we enjoyed our ice cream. If you're in the area, don't miss it!

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