Coco Nail & Spa en Brewster

Estados UnidosCoco Nail & Spa



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111 F Independent Way, Brewster, NY 10509, США
contactos teléfono: +1 845-279-6100
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 41.4222488, Longitude: -73.6298618

comentarios 5

  • Marko Tomassetti

    Marko Tomassetti


    Moving out of the city, I was afraid I wouldn't find a good nail place. This it the only game in town. I see Nicole, she's super sweet and so fast!! I get a no polish manicure and pedicure in 35 minutes. I only need a sitter for an hour. I love Coco's!!

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    Jennifer French


    If you go here for eyelash extensions ask for Sarah. She's sweet and takes her time to make sure they're flirty and "Russian volume thick". I did stop going to Cocos for them because my natural lashes were starting to get damaged from the "double volume" technique after a few months. I go somewhere else that specializes in lashes only now, so that my eyelids don't go bald, because I'm committing long term to this look. But if you're only getting them for a special occasion, like a prom or wedding, go to Cocos on a Monday-Thursday and get 50% off a new set. As for the spa itself, I continue going here for pedicures because they're clean and the atmosphere isn't tacky. Sometimes they're very busy though, and if you're a walk-in they might have you sit for a while and even forget you're there, sometimes the girl at the front denies that aspect in a very rude manner. So try to call in advance for a spot. Thanks Sarah!

  • Christine S

    Christine S


    Went in for a simple gel mani. Heather scraped the old gel off my nails before it was finished soaking off, even though I asked her not to scrape them because I didn’t want her to ruin my healthy nails. After we argued over this, she used the dremel. Again...refusing to soak the rest of the gel off. By the time she was done, my nails were hurting. They were so thin they broke under the gel. I’ve had healthy nails until now. NEVER AGAIN will I go to this place! Talking to management did absolutely NO good at all. What a sorry level of service!

  • Samantha Hartshorn

    Samantha Hartshorn


    I love how they make me feel like a celebrity and priority as soon as I walk in the door. It's very peaceful and relaxing there.

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    Mikala. Cipriani


    Only giving four stars because the quality of the manicure you get is a hit or miss, depending on how busy it is and who you get. I definitely recommend Rain, I always ask for him and he does an amazing job and takes the time to make it perfect . They have great facials and massages here for a justified price. Service is typically very friendly and accommodating (once again, depending on who you get). The waxing is usually good too.

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