Coat Check Coffee i Indianapolis

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Forenede StaterCoat Check Coffee



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401, East Michigan Street, 46204, Indianapolis, Marion County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 317-550-5008
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Latitude: 39.7737471, Longitude: -86.1502819

kommentar 5

  • en

    Andrew Lehman


    Pleasant place, pleasant staff. Coffee is a little pricy but it's pretty good. Sometimes the music is a little loud and the place gets noisy when stuff upstairs gets out, but it makes me feel closer to the community so I don't mind

  • RJ Cooper

    RJ Cooper


    The dark chocolate coffee goes so well with a croissant as you relax and crowd watch. The frosted glass windows and heavy wooden interior make you feel you are waiting for the concert to begin as you lounge, play chess, or catch up with old friends. Walk downtown Indy afterward refreshed and envigorated.

  • Andy Howard

    Andy Howard


    Very cool use of a transitional space for a more static use. The coffee and pastries are excellent. There are a few different areas for seating so you can have a meeting and not feel like you are bothering people nearby with your semi-private discussions.

  • Brendan Segraves

    Brendan Segraves


    Good coffee. Their specialty seems to be in their lattes, where they artfully sprinkle powder and even add aromatics. People seemed to love these. I asked for a cappuccino, which they said they don’t do. But they could do a flat white which is close enough. Fun, open space. Busy during a Friday morning, with a mix of students and business people.

  • Amanda Studor Bond

    Amanda Studor Bond


    The coffee is always delicious and their latte flavors are so creative. They take a tremendous amount of care crafting their drinks, so don't expect to get your beverage quickly. The only reason I deducted a star was due to their speed in making the drinks (not that I'm expecting Starbucks speed, but it's slow by any standards). Other than that, sit down and enjoy a baklava croissant and a ginger latte!!

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