CO-Office w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneCO-Office



🕗 godziny otwarcia

163, Lenox Avenue, 10026, New York, New York County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 347-708-3841
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.8035819, Longitude: -73.9486669

komentarze 5

  • Tammeca Rochester

    Tammeca Rochester


    Simon and David helped develop my Fitness studio. They were truly an awesome team to work with. Throughout the process it was very clear that they were extremely knowledgeable about the Manhattan retail environment and managed my contractors very well. They held a very high standard of excellence and made sure everything was done perfectly. Simon and David poured their heart into my project. I honestly don't know how I would have done it without them.

  • en

    Dafna Nadulek


    Absolutely loved working with the team at co-office. They listened, understood, researched and delivered my vision on paper and using virtual reality. Small office, big results!

  • Diego Lares

    Diego Lares


    The Co-office team has a great customer service, they understood my concept since day 1. Working with them has been a truly moving experience, for visual people as myself, the VR tools where super helpful to understand the entire space. I recommend their services to everybody!

  • Vanessa Handal Ghenania

    Vanessa Handal Ghenania


    The Bilingual Nest Experience! I had the great please to work with Simon and Gabriela at Co-office. This team of very professional designers helped me bring my preschool concept to life! Throughout the process they helped me with discussions with the contractor and they helped me make decisions based on my budget and needs, all in a stress free environment. Their 3-D technology helped me visualize my space before it was even built! Overall, my experience was just an amazing one! It was so hard to part with them that I decided to bring them back on board to redo my own private apartment. There again, they did a most amazing and professional job! So glad to have been able to work with Co-office!

  • George Valdes

    George Valdes


    CO-Office did a phenomenal job on my parent's kitchen, living room, and outdoor deck making it a great place for us to gather no matter the weather. Money well spent!

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