Stany ZjednoczoneCN VISION CARE INC



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45-56, 46th Street, 11377, Queens County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 718-392-1244
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7414766, Longitude: -73.9191746

komentarze 5

  • Richard Kang

    Richard Kang


    Average prices for a contact lens exam, and contacts. Very good service. The people working here are patient, friendly, and knowledgeable.

  • Precila Padalino

    Precila Padalino


    I always come to CN Vision for my pair of eyeglasses. The ‘Doc’ and his wife are very nice and very accommodating. The prices are affordable and the service is great.

  • Lo Simi

    Lo Simi


    Brought a pair of glasses in that needed a new frame. Nicolas was very helpful and they are very affordable. I could have gotten a new frame in that moment and walked out with a complete pair almost as soon as I walked in, but I wanted a pair that would require him shaving down the glass to fit the frames. I came back later that day. They fit great!

  • Jose Diaz

    Jose Diaz


    I was in the neighborhood and decided to check out this place to get some affordable ray bans. Once I was in the owner of the shop greeted me something I thought as little as that helped me give them a star but not only were they friendly but extremely helpful. I went in to get a pair of aviators since all my friends have a pair I wanted one too. The owner of the shopped stirred me in a better more suitable pair of wayfarer style glasses which I absolutely love. So I recommend anyone who wants authentic glasses at a good price to go here. Where it's not only affordable but helpful.

  • Lesley Mealor

    Lesley Mealor


    I came to CN Vision Care after an awful experience with another eye doctor in the area. The people here are kind, considerate, and calm. I never felt rushed, or coerced. I have a Medicaid plan, so I understand they don't make as much money off me, but I never once felt like they cared about that. I got competent and pleasant service, and I highly recommend CN Vision Care.

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