Club Prana w Tampa

Stany ZjednoczoneClub Prana



🕗 godziny otwarcia

1619, East 7th Avenue, 33605, Tampa, Hillsborough County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 813-241-4139
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 27.9601647, Longitude: -82.4408213

komentarze 5

  • en

    Morgan Slaymaker


    5 floors of fun! I definitely recommend! Great service and even better music!

  • Viancheska Lopez

    Viancheska Lopez


    Never had a problem here, very ghetto though. Like...anything gets in the door. I like going here only when I’m already tipsy and out of options. Always very crowded as well. Do not take anything of value with you in there and try to use cash if you can. Leave the club before it actually closes.

  • en

    Zach Schief


    Came here on 3/15/18 for a foam party. Saw that the club had five floors and was excited for the rooftop foam party. Arrived a little after 10 pm and only had two floors opened up. Eventually opened up the fourth floor. As the weather was cold they never opened up the rooftop for the foam party which was disappointing. Even though they only had three floors opened the club was amazing. DJ's were good. The service done by the bartenders was fantastic and even in a crowed venue didnt take long to get a drink. Would definitely recommend this place and will come back if I'm ever in the Tampa area again.

  • en

    Amelia Salvaggio


    Had my phone stolen one night, so did multiple girls. Not a single employee cared when I noticed at the end of the night. As an after thought they offered to call me a cab since I couldn't call an uber. The 2 stars are only for the bartenders. Responsive and knowledgeable.

  • en



    Best night club in town. The bouncers are very professional and the atmosphere is for everybody no matter what floor you choose. If you purchase bottle service, the girls take great care of you!

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