ClinIQ w Bellevue

Stany ZjednoczoneClinIQ


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

10400, Northeast 4th Street, 98004, Bellevue, King County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 47.6136707, Longitude: -122.2013072

komentarze 5

  • Taylor Miller

    Taylor Miller


    SCAM! I also received this. They stole my address regarding this saying I was going to be a team leader. Said they saw I had applied for a job on Indeed. I went back through and saw zero jobs matching these.

  • Lonna P

    Lonna P


    Scam! Just dealt with these people yesterday and today. They "offered" $30/hr for a Data Entry Analyst position. I should have known it was a scam because they didn't have a phone number to actually speak over the phone. They want to do everything over a messaging app like Signal. They say that they are going to pay for the equipment, send you an image of a check to deposit into your account then want you to send $1,000 via Zelle or Cash App to the "vender" to "pay" for the work equipment. Thank God my Zelle account was on hold. The check image they sent was from an innocent person's account!! I contacted a fraud victim's bank and let their fraud department know what happened. Prayerfully the fraud victim will get their money back. I changed my bank information just in case.

  • Piper Daniels

    Piper Daniels


    Yea, I knew this company was sus because they reach out to me on a position I didn't apply to, but I still went along with it to see what type of scam it was. The hiring manager and the interview manager were very frantic about me interviewing immediately, which makes no sense because I am so supposed to schedule an interview with YOU. So already I was bothered so I lazily responded on my own time, and both representatives were blowing up my phone saying I need timely answers, even tho I never agreed to conducting the interview right there. Fast forward to after the interview, they wanted me to check back with them the next day in the morning to inform me of the status. And wow! I guess I was the perfect candidate because I got the job after less than 24 hours. Now they are unprofessionally sending a contract and asking for details over the messaging app. Sorry for the rant, just spreading awareness.

  • Aaron Justin Garcia Catarroja

    Aaron Justin Garcia Catarroja


    I was skeptical because I haven't use linkedin for a while and out of the blue they offer me a job that sounds too good to be true. I played along to see where it went. Turns out it was a scam. I had reviewed their linkedin page. Only 2 employees. No reviews natively in the site. This was confirmation to me that this was not a legit company, but I needed to know what the scam was. I got the 'job'. They said they'd send a check for office equipment. Okay sure! Here's my bank acc...oh right this is the scam. Once they gain access to your bank account its game over. Ended the charade right there. And they had no further comments. Thanks to the three heroes that came before me, i dodged a bullet. May these reviews protect other people as well.

  • Damian Flyte

    Damian Flyte


    WARNING! This company is a scam and is trying to hire people and steal their identity. They offer a to good to be true job like $27 an hour for data entry and work at home! They try to do the interview process on messenger apps such as Telegram and will seem professional at first but when you don’t want to divulge sensitive personal information about yourself they will stop talking to you! BEWARE!

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