Cliff's Auto Services Center w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneCliff's Auto Services Center



🕗 godziny otwarcia

87-4, Atlantic Avenue, 11416, Queens County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 718-641-1900
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.6863272, Longitude: -73.8545516

komentarze 5

  • Frank Rizzo

    Frank Rizzo


    His other shop is better, dont get your car aligned here,i had to go to another shop for them to redo it.

  • Anthony Lamboy

    Anthony Lamboy


    Good place to get your car worked on, or a flat fixed reasonable priced

  • Marlon Perez

    Marlon Perez


    Very honest owner and workers had no problems with my 2 vehicles and with prices.

  • en

    Albert Rodriguez


    Went in for break pad replacements for my front tires because they were squealing for a few weeks. After they “replaced” them, Cliff told me my rear brake pads were dangerously low and the rust on my rear rotors meant they had to be replaced. He told me he’d do the full rear replacement for $400. I told him I’d think about it. I later easily wiped off the rust which formed because of the salt spreaders from the recent snowfall. That was strike one for trying to scam me. A few months later there’s still a slight squeaking which I figure is from the rear brake pads. One day I start hearing an awful noise coming from my wheel well. I took the car to my buddy that’s a mechanic and a surely enough, the mechanic that changed my brake pads forgot to change out one of the 4. This completely destroyed my rotor and I had to get both rotors and break pads replaced in the front. That was strike 2. The last strike was when my buddy told me the rotors on the back were fine and the brake pads were good for another year. Screw you cliff. Your shop deserves to be shut down.

  • AKN



    Cliff's Auto Repair is used for all our work van (mostly fords F250 & 350). Great service, genuine parts which most shop don't use and fast repairs. The mechanics are friendly and knowledgeable. They also give accurate quotes beforehand so there are no surprises post repair. When our vans needs work, Cliff's Auto is there.

najbliższy Naprawa samochodów

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