Clementine's Salon & Skincare w Aurora

Stany ZjednoczoneClementine's Salon & Skincare



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2501, Dallas Street, 80010, Aurora, Adams County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 720-328-3594 ext. 2
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 39.753048, Longitude: -104.877388

komentarze 5

  • en

    Addison Sundeen


    Alexi did an amazing job with my hair. I had come in for the first time after not cutting or dying my hair in over 6 months. She worked some serious magic and it feels and looks healthier and better than ever before.

  • en

    Beth Remming


    I am a new resident to Denver, CO and finding a hair salon was a priority for me. Since August 2017 I have been a customer at Clementines and it has been a wonderful experience. Sara Lee is a professional who treats her customers with 100% satisfaction. My hair has never looked so good. She always asks thoughtful questions, and listens to my concerns. What a great store!!

  • Martha Sandvold

    Martha Sandvold


    Ronnie is a Dream! She’s a consummate professional and makes you feel so pampered no matter the service. Tommy listens and delivers every time. The best thing about Clementines is that you’re always in good hands because Dani, the visionary owner, hires only the best.

  • en

    Marianne Davidson


    Jenn added super blond baliage to my light brown hair and it looks gorgeous! I've gotten so many compliments on the color. She also did a treatment that made my hair so soft and healthy. I highly recommend Clementines!

  • en

    alee musica


    I really love this place! I love really funky short looks that require someone who is pretty skilled to do it right. I go to Alexi and she’s amazing and always down to try something new and fun and it always comes out great! It appears all of the hair stylists here are really talented people. Highly recommend

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