Classy Nails By Le w Tucson

Stany ZjednoczoneClassy Nails By Le



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1800, East Fort Lowell Road, 85719, Tucson, Pima County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 520-795-1985
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 32.2640934, Longitude: -110.9446443

komentarze 5

  • Andrea Frank

    Andrea Frank


    Customer service-focused and friendly! I went on Mother's Day, which is really busy day for them, and they still managed to take the time to do very beautiful work. They have SNS dipping powder!!

  • en

    Natalie Staebell


    Had been there few times before and loved it. Last time I went must of been a new guy. Tech wasn't paying attention at all, constantly looking around while giving me a pedicure . Completely ruined my SNS manicure. Was rough, thick, and could clearly see ridges. Told him they didn't look right and he said he wasn't done, but didn't smooth out. Tech next to him had to explain how to file down the edges so they weren't sharp. I showed lady up front she gave me 10% off and said I could fix them but I was there for 2 hrs, I had to leave and don't live in Tucson to come back next day. Very disappointed, expect things to be done properly and carefully the first time.

  • Genessis Sarmiento

    Genessis Sarmiento


    Very happy with this salon!! First time coming this weekend and will be returning for sure! Hardly waiting, the nail tech listened to everything I asked for and I had absolutely great customer service. My nails look amazing.

  • en

    Cindy Robles


    I LOVE this place!! They do such good work! I'm so happy I found this place! If I could rate them more than 5 stars I would!!

  • Breanna Delaney

    Breanna Delaney


    If I could leave more than 5 stars, I would. My nails look great! This is the first time I’ve been here, I came in here with acrylic nails from another shop that looked horrible. But I was fixed up in no time! I can’t remember his name but the man at table 2 helped me and I will be booking appointments with him from now on. I’m sure everyone is good here tho! I was shocked by how big, clean, and beautiful the place was. I only regret not getting a full pedicure because they looked to be amazing too! The prices weren’t any more expensive than any other shop I’ve gone to so that was great! Overall my whole experience was very pleasant and fun. Also, they had an ATM machine which was awesome because I always forget to bring cash for tip and now I don’t have to worry about it! I hope all my trips here will continue to be this amazing! Thank you!

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