Classic Towing in Paterson

Vereinigte StaatenClassic Towing



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20, Shady Street, 07524, Paterson, Passaic County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakte telefon: +1 973-742-8008
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 40.9334713, Longitude: -74.1659868

kommentare 5

  • en

    mark guinness


    They took advantage of me at the accident seen , in addition to wrecking fees which I did not need , cleaning and sweeping , daylight robbery ,! Stay away if you can

  • ParanorMel Torres

    ParanorMel Torres


    I guess if you're gonna get your car impounded, might as well be nice guys like Classic Towing. Very helpful & friendly.

  • en

    Jason Broers


    Fast friendly service Most people complain about Classic but there just angry there car got towed. Classic only tows vehicles for violations and safety purposes or at the owners request. Most vehicles are towed for blocking driveways handicapped parking or being unregistered We didn't park the car. We didn't write the ticket. Blame yourself for your car getting towed

  • en

    livanna morales


    Lady that is there looks and acts as though she doesn’t want to be their so her attitude shows as shes helping us. She was rude when spoken too and was trying to make it a hard time for us. Thank god for patience & smarts.

  • Van RG

    Van RG


    They work for the city. I got towed unwillingly. But the people here were decent enough. No valet. Vending machine is broken. Call first and ask every question imaginable. Save yourself a headache.

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