Classic Galleries w Huntington

Stany ZjednoczoneClassic Galleries


brak informacji

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243, Main Street, 11743, Huntington, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 631-427-1045
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 40.8714357, Longitude: -73.4254685

komentarze 5

  • en

    Cheryl Quatrano


    This is an amazing place! They have everything and anything you would want, not only in their vast selection, but also in their customer service. I have been shopping there for over 25 years and wouldn't even think of going anywhere else! Their courteous sales associates go above and beyond for customer satisfaction. I could not imagine anyone having anything other than a great experience.

  • en

    Nancy Hirsch


    So far.. not so good. I bought a mirror off the floor and didn't realize it was damaged until I got it home. Sales person said no problem will order me another one. That was January 18 and I'm still waiting. Never heard back from sales department unless I initiated a phone call or an email. Was finally told that it shipped 2/22. Never received it so called the store again and was told that it never shipped. Finally spoke to manager/owner who said that it was supposed to ship but didn't. I asked if I could cancel order and he told me no. He did say I could exchange it for something else.. I don't think so. I'm not too keen on ever walking into that store again...

  • en

    marybeth caputo


    Beautiful selection,

  • en

    Denise Coppola


    Classic Galleries should change their name To Classless Galleries! This is by far the most disquesting dirty location I have ever encounted.The carpets are stained and filthy the Rug Dept reeks of mildew. It was embarassed to bring my client in there. Their unprofessional condensed ing attitude is just awful.As a designer I have never experienced such shallow people from the owner er to his sales help. Save yourself a trip it's dreadful

  • Harpo M.

    Harpo M.


    Ill-mannered, wise-guy know it alls whose attitude was, if they had never heard of it, there couldn't be anything to it. I went in after my father died with an inheritance, I tried to describe the types of antiques I had been left to match a style. Because this obnoxious clerk had never heard of a firehouse chair, and obviously couldn't be bothered to look it up online, she got condescending and belittling. A rotten experience, and they could've done very well with me. Go with real antiques, not this schlock.

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