Claire Dratch Inc en Bethesda

Estados UnidosClaire Dratch Inc



🕗 horarios

7615, Wisconsin Avenue, 20814, Bethesda, Montgomery County, US United States
contactos teléfono: +1 301-656-8000
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 38.9863819, Longitude: -77.0944646

comentarios 5

  • Leslie Hureau

    Leslie Hureau


    This place has closed.

  • en

    Alexis Anolik


    I have been calling this store for 3 days at various times of their posted business hours and no one answers. Very disappointing as they are one of 3 stores that carries the bridesmaid dress I need for my sister's wedding.

  • en

    Kramer05357 Kramer


    Hold ' winter hours' of 10:30-4:00 that are not posted on their website. They claim to have dresses on their website yet when muy wife and I went into the store for her to try two of them on, they didn't stock either dress.




    This store has just gone so down hill.

  • sandy tevelin

    sandy tevelin


    I have come to Clare Dratch a number of times with friends to help them select dresses for special events, and when it was my turn, it was the first place I went. The ladies who work there have been there forever and know their business. I selected a gorgeous black suit with a satin ruffle around the neck of the jacket and around the hem of the skirt. I was measured and fitted and the newly made suit arrived a few months later and was perfect. Plus I was told to bring my jewelry and they selected what I should wear with my suit. "No watch! Have you ever seen a lady on the red carpet with a watch on? Wear one piece of jewelry on your wrist and special earrings. That's all" It was perfect! My outfit for my daughter's wedding this spring is on order. Can't wait!

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