CK Violins w Honolulu

Stany ZjednoczoneCK Violins



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1888, Kalakaua Avenue, 96815, Honolulu, Honolulu County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 808-589-1188
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 21.288, Longitude: -157.8338316

komentarze 5

  • en

    Tamika Hill


    Great location, products, and customer service! I absolutely enjoyed watching my son get his first violin from here. Everyone was helpful, knowledgeable, and kind to us. Pricing was great and you cannot beat their buyback program for when your child is ready for a bigger instrument. Highly recommend you give them a try; you will become a regular for all of your violin needs.

  • en

    Maile Reeves


    I am a professional violinist in Hawaii Symphony and a teacher in the community. I am very finicky about whom I allow to adjust and repair my expensive instruments and bows, and I insist that my students have access to the most affordable, well-adjusted, violins. CK has earned my trust through their superior business ethics and expertise. Nick consistently offers quality instruments to my students--I've spent many hours in the shop playing, evaluating, and finding the right violins for families at their price point. Over 30 years I've done business with fine shops and luthiers in NYC, Boston, Chicago, San Fran, and Utah; Nick is the only proprietor who provides excellent servicing, generous policies, and attentive assistance to every customer who walks through his door. Folks, please know that buying an instrument online is at best a roll of the dice with high odds not in your favor. CK Violins is a superior reputable shop you can safely trust when you want to invest in a stringed instrument from beginner-professional level.

  • Joeylyn Maeshiro

    Joeylyn Maeshiro


    CK Violins sells many high quality instruments, from Violins to cellos and violas. My cello has great sound and is very high quality and was a reasonable price. My siblings’ violins are awesome, and so much better than violins they previously bought at other stores. My school orchestra also gets the instruments repaired at CK, and Mr Nicholas is always quick to help. 10/10 would recommend.

  • en

    Yvonne Chan


    I really love the the violin I got from CK. It has a beautiful tone and sound. I recommend this store if you ever need a violin if you are advanced or a beginner. My brother also got his cello from CK and he loves it CK has a wonderful assortment of musical instruments, and if you need a bigger size you can always trade a smaller one in for a bigger one!

  • en

    Timothy Leong


    Nicholas and Keiko run a great Violin Shop in the middle of the Pacific. As a full time Violinist with the Hawaii Symphony Orchestra I highly endorse CK Violins for beginners all the way to the Professional level. Every instrument that leaves the shop is thoroughly inspected and adjusted unlike those available for sale online. I routinely have my 18th century Italian violin adjusted there annually and have always had an exceptional experience after every visit. Those "in the know" come from great distances to look for reasonably priced instruments of good value and provenance at CK Violins. Keep up the GREAT WORK!

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