City Nails w Perth Amboy

Stany ZjednoczoneCity Nails


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

365, Convery Boulevard, 08861, Perth Amboy, Middlesex County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 732-826-4949
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.5166953, Longitude: -74.2870886

komentarze 5

  • Ramona Fernández

    Ramona Fernández



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    L S


    Horrible place!! Don’t ever go here. I’ve been to bad nail salons before but this place takes the f’in cake. I’m pregnant and needed a simple manicure. As soon as i walked in the place, the smell of acrylic was sooo strong but i needed something simple & quick so decided to stay. I asked the nail tech for a face mask 😷 just so i won’t get nauseas. He wanted $5 for one. Are you f’in kidding me. That was strike 2. Strike 3 should have been how horrible the conditions where. The place is nasty!! Then i asked if they had a simple gel purple color, he said no. Fine. He kept on.. strike 3 was when he started pulling my cuticles off without even soaking my damn nails!!! I was about to get up and walk out when he wanted $5 for starting the Service!!! I slammed $5 bucks on the table and walked out. I’ve never been so pissed in my life. I couldn’t believe how horrible this place was. How are they still open??!!!

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    Mel B


    Christine is the best ! she is appointment only but so worth it ! easy to get to and always a great job :)

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    Cassie Vulpis


    Horrible experience here, one of the worst...went in today to get my nails done and argued with the woman the whole time who had no idea what she was doing, filed my skin to the point I was bleeding, used a fake gel on my nails and charged extra for it and told me I had no idea what I was talking about, if I could give this place a zero I would.. they have horrible customer service and attitudes. My gel mani has bubbles underneath the whole thing, honestly take your money elsewhere where you can get better services.

  • Lee Ann Carroll

    Lee Ann Carroll


    If I could give this place a zero I would. I have never ever had anyone do my nails the way they did. Do not go here!!! Stephanie did my nails and they didn't even make it through the first day... And I got gel! I'm not even going back to have them fix them because I'm scared they will mess them up even more or even worse get an infection because the place is so dirty.

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