City Drug Pharmacy w Poughkeepsie

Stany ZjednoczoneCity Drug Pharmacy



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324, Main Street, 12601, Poughkeepsie, Dutchess County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 845-471-2320
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.70284, Longitude: -73.92644

komentarze 5

  • Malika Wright

    Malika Wright


    As long as I lived in pok NY I've been going to city drugs as a costume and one thing I seen with my own eyes is all of the staff is very loving and kind with their customers.its only when they catch you shop lifting then they get unkind and they never forget a face.

  • en

    nic haws


    called this pharmacy, the staff was rude and disrespectful. Had a very important question and they passed me around the pharmacy and ignored the question, Finally got to talk to the pharmacist and he was rude and disrespectfull and hung up on me like a teenage girl. I will not trust this pharmacy to fill anything, Not professional at all. Honestly a waste of youre time to deal with these guys. if you dont like youre job in the pharmacy its no reason to treat me poorly, you should quit and not be a miserable human being!

  • en

    Adala Diggs


    i used to love this place now im debateing on switching it is going down hill fast they used to be the greatest hope they get it together

  • Aisha Khan

    Aisha Khan


    This is the best pharmacy!!! Their staff is incredibly friendly and helpful. They know their customers well. They always have my medications ready on time. I have never had any complaints from them. Oh and their store is always very clean!!!

  • en

    Sadia Javed


    Excellent customer service!!! They always deliver my medications on time. The entire staff is so nice and customer friendly. I highly recommend this pharmacy to everyone!!

najbliższy Apteka

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