Citibank en New York

Estados UnidosCitibank



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78-09, Metropolitan Avenue, 11379, Queens County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 347-507-4830
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.713361, Longitude: -73.875037

comentarios 5

  • en

    guillermo lebron


    I have never left this branch satisfied. 4 people sitting there as 1 works while they take turns referring people to the self serve machines. I was asked by 2 different employees what I needed help with. After 20 min of waiting I was told that they didn't do that at this location by a 3rd employee.

  • Barry Liu

    Barry Liu


    Like all other Citibank branches. The wait time in line is 20 minutes and I'm a citigold member.

  • Rafael Friedman

    Rafael Friedman


    I really hate this bank, their tellers are slow, everytime I come here its the same story, 2 tellers at the window and like 5-9 people waiting in line, and then you get this one person who freezes the whole line because they are chitchatting with the teller about nonesense while the rest of us have to wait. I dred coming in here, but they have parking so I gave them 2 stars.

  • en

    Emily Kalbouros


    I deposited a check and was waiting in the lobby for a cab and no one came up to us until almost 10 minutes asking if we-needed anything else. The person who asked us if they can help us her tone was argumentative as if we were in the wrong waiting there. As if we just walked in to hang out like we were hoodlums or bums. My husband broke it down to her why we were there and the amount we had deposited. The teller was staring at us from afar and failed to communicate that we are customers who recently made a transaction. They just wanted us out of the bank since we completed a deposit. So unprofessional and rude.

  • Emma Carroll

    Emma Carroll


    I love this bank, close to my house, and the women i've gotten as tellers have been more than friendly and always very helpful. Pleasant bank and easy to park on one of the side streets nearby.

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