Citibank i New York

Forenede StaterCitibank



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5810, Amboy Road, 10309, Richmond County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 917-525-5093
internet side:
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Latitude: 40.526288, Longitude: -74.200894

kommentar 5

  • Corrine J

    Corrine J


    SADLY, IN 2018......RACIST, LYING RUDE HUMANS WORK AT THIS LOCATION. 👎👎👎FEMALE MANAGER (Saturdays) 👎👎👎BANK TELLERS ARE LIARS AND OR "MISINFORMED" ✔Its nice to be nice.....You probably would've had a NEW Client. ✔Citi Bank (This location) Your staff NEED to be trained in CUSTOMER SERVICE INCLUDING YOUR MANAGERS.

  • en

    Wei Cai


  • Juan Elorriaga

    Juan Elorriaga


    Very helpful and go further to help you in a dire situation whether at the cashier wonder or office.Also there is a young woman there who is just nice very pretty and really knows how to interact with all types of people (as do the whole staff as well!) heart staff and ran very well compared to other banks

  • Ed Pollio

    Ed Pollio


    Worst bank! Run away from this location and go to TD Bank. Its right down the road and they are nice there. Unlike Citibank. Tried to get a loan and they say maybe and never called me back. TD gave it right to me.

  • en



    This is the best citibank branch weve come across Angela was specifically very nice and helpful! Thanks guys.

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