Cirque Coffee w Tulsa

Stany ZjednoczoneCirque Coffee



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1317, East 6th St, 74120, Tulsa, Tulsa County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 918-693-3345
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 36.152341, Longitude: -95.97485

komentarze 5

  • Lauren Barker

    Lauren Barker


    Love the unique “cocktail” coffees!!! Go early, as it’s seems that by time I get there, they have run out of several selections on their special menu. That being said, the special menu drinks are delightful! Flavorful and creative - they offer 5 unique drinks each month. If you are looking for something more exciting than a latte, these are it. Savor and sip out of the cocktail glasses from which they are served. They have delicious sourdough bread - TRUFFLE-INFUSED BUTTER!! - it made it easy for my kids to enjoy the experience with me. Also love the novelty of a latte on tap, as nitrogen-infused coffee tastes less bitter; a good entry-level drink for the less coffee-obsessed. If you are planning to set up shop somewhere for a morning, this may not be the right spot: most of the seats are hard barstools that don’t lend themselves to comfortable, long-stays, though there is a couch and a couple of more comfortable (but not cushy) chairs. The barstools, however, do add an aesthetic to the environment that makes for fun pictures or a coffee date - especially sitting at the hammered, coppery bar. Being a new cyclist, I am relieved to find bike mounts on the wall inside so I don’t have to worry about it. I look forward to coming to this place - a great rest stop to grab a refreshing recharge before conquering the route home.

  • Beau Lacefield

    Beau Lacefield


    Hands down the most progressive coffee shop in Tulsa. Excellent artisanal espresso based drinks. Collaboration with other local artisans. And... Of course... Tastes like nothing else in Tulsa. Excellent experience every time I'm there.

  • Emily Davis

    Emily Davis


    Absolutely delicious coffee here. I'm a cream and sugar person but the coffee here is so good I've never added anything to it. The service is extremely friendly and knowledgeable. The atmosphere is really cool and trendy.

  • Catrina J

    Catrina J


    Amazing atmosphere! Exposed brick, raw wood, Edison bulbs, copper accents, clean white, open space. Enthusiastic, helpful, and friendly staff. Mocha was pretty good. I just have a real sweet tooth so wasn't exactly what I'd prefer, but I know I'm a picky lady. I'll definitely go back, though! I love that the price on the menu is what you pay (e.g. $4, $5). A great place to camp out with a laptop or converse with a friend.

  • Taylor Elkins

    Taylor Elkins


    Sweet local joint. It’s a standing definition of an artisan coffee shop. You can 100% expect to get something you love. The espresso is some of the smoothest & richest I’ve ever had. My bf “doesn’t do coffee” but found a wicked good chai. The music was awesome and it’s an easy place to just hang out. The crowd is definitely more trendy, but it’s clear that everyone is welcome. Highly recommended!

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